sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

It's the macro, stupid

Me gustó mucho este pasaje que leí en el blog de Mankiw
Politicians are in charge of the modern economy in much the same way as a sailor is in charge of a small boat in a storm. The consequences of their losing control completely may be catastrophic (as civil war and hyperinflation in parts of the former Soviet empire have recently reminded us), but even while they keep afloat, their influence over the course of events is tiny in comparison with that of the storm around them. We who are their passengers may focus our hopes and fears upon them, and express profound gratitude toward them if we reach harbor safely, but that is chiefly because it seems pointless to thank the storm. (p. 25)
Cada vez que alguno de los compañeros diga que desde 2003 se incorporaron tantos millones de puestos de trabajo, se redujo la pobreza en tantos puntos porcentuales, etc; pensaré en este breve pasaje. Me gusta cómo dice RHLM, "pasó todo esto, a pesar de Kirchner"

2 comentarios:

Madoff dijo...

Jeje, muy buena la cita!

zorba dijo...

Buenisima, pero del 2006/7 para este lado me parece que la responsabilidad de lo que pasa cada vez meas es de K, y de los pasajeros que no lo tiran por la borda. Saludos.